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The Mg + Unimax filter filters and at the same time enriches the water with life-giving magnesium. It covers over 20% of the adult’s daily requirement for this element. In addition, it performs the basic function of all Dafi filters – it reduces the content of heavy metals, removes most of the substances that adversely affect the taste, smell and color of water.

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SKU:, EAN: 5900950929183

The magnesium filter was created for people who want to improve the quality of tap water and make it ideal for drinking. Dafi Mg + filtered water is the best alternative to bottled water. Magnesium makes water taste better and healthier. The Mg + filter does not reduce excessive water hardness.

Filter capacity: 30 days or approx. 150-200 l of water (depending on its quality)

Matching filter jug: Unimax type

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