Status: In Stock

A perceptible muscular “pump”
Beneficial effect on training performance and reduction of muscle soreness
Improved removal of lactic acid from the blood during exercise

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Success doesn’t come easily. You have to work hard for him. Do not expect results if you do not give your best during training! Train hard, overcome your fatigue during exercise and gradually, step by step, improve your endurance and strength from training to training. Are you looking for support? Reach for Citrulline Malate! Here is a new Olimp Sport Nutrition pre-workout supplement containing the highest, safe portion of citrulline malate on the market, additionally supplemented with vitamin B6.

*RWS – referencyjna wartość spożycia.

Informacja żywieniowa 1 porcja (9 g)
Jabłczan cytruliny,
w tym: L-cytrulina
8,1 g
4,6 g
Witamina B6 2,46 mg (176%*)


Weight N/A

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