Probiotic bacteria protected by microencapsulation

Extremely high concentration of up to 7 billion selected cultures of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG

They are a source of energy for probiotic bacteria

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The intestines are increasingly considered to be a source of health, not only physical but also mental. That is why it is worth taking care of them! The main task of Colonbiotic 7 GG Sport Edition is to build bacterial flora in the intestines.

What is a synbiotic?

Properly balanced bacterial flora in the intestines is the first step not only to health, but also to well-being. Your bowels will be responsible for your well-being. Therefore, in Olimp Labs laboratories, a dietary supplement was created, whose main ingredient – Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in an unusual concentration of 7 billion CFU * – is responsible for supplementing the intestinal microflora, in particular during antibiotic therapy and 2-3 weeks after stopping the use of the antibiotic, as well as on every trip .

*CFU – Colony Forming Unit – jednostka tworząca kolonię bakterii.

Informacja żywieniowa 1 kapsułka
Bakterie kwasu mlekowego
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
7 mld (7×109 CFU*)
Fruktooligosacharydy (FOS) 50 mg


1 capsule once a day with plenty of liquid, preferably with a meal. If you have difficulty swallowing, the capsule can be opened and the contents dissolved in a liquid at room temperature (e.g. water, milk, fruit juice). Do not exceed the portion recommended for consumption during the day.

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