Status: In Stock

Matrix of perfectly selected doses and synergistically working active ingredients, which has been used by sport enthusiasts all over the world, created for both – beginners and advanced athletes. This preworkout is recommended for physically active people during prolonged, most demanding strength and endurance trainings.

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1 Porcja / Serving size / Portion: 1/4 ampułki / ampoule : 30 ml

Ilość porcji w opakowaniu/Servings per container : 4



Zawartość w / Amount per30 ml60 ml
Jabłczan cytruliny / Citrulline malate1500 mg


3000 mg


w tym cytrulina /1000 mg2000 mg
Alfaketoglutaran L-argininy (AAKG) / L-Arginine alphaketoglutarate (AAKG)500 mg1000 mg
w tym L- arginina / of which L- arginine350 mg700  mg
Beta-alanina / Beta-alanine800 mg1600 mg
Tauryna / Taurine500 mg1000 mg
Betaina HCL / Betaine HCL

W tym betaina

187,5 mg

142,5 mg

375 mg

285 mg

Glicerol / Glycerol375 mg750 mg
Kofeina bezwodna / Caffeine anhydrous100 mg200 mg
Glukuronolakton / Glucuronolactone62,5 mg125 mg
Izolat białka serwatkowego / Whey protein isolate12,5 mg25 mg


Number of portions in the package / Servings per container: 4


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